Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) 2025
Now a pavilion in the Science & Technology Hall at Scientific Sessions!
Event Dates: November 8-9, 2025, with a bonus exhibit day on November 10 as part of Scientific Sessions.
Resuscitation Science Symposium 2025 will focus on increasing understanding while advancing bench-to-bedside science and community-based approaches at the intersection of cardiopulmonary mechanisms and management within the multidisciplinary aspects of critical care medicine, emergency cardiovascular care and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
On-site renewal rate through January 15, 2025………………………..$42 per sq. ft.
Standard rate starts January 16, 2025 …………………………………..$46 per sq. ft.
There is no additional charge for islands or corners.
Public service rate …………………………………… ……………………$28 per sq. ft.
Public service rate is subject to availability. This discounted rate is only available in the nonprofit designated area on the floor.
Proof of nonprofit status must be submitted to for all new organizations.
Getting Started
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