Scientific Sessions 2025

Register for Badges

Two types of badges are issued to exhibiting companies: Exhibitor and Full Professional (Exhibitor Conference) Registration. Badges are issued only to designated exhibiting representatives and in the name of the company shown on the Exhibit Space Application/Contract.  Each exhibitor will receive an email that includes a username and password.  Questions? Email us at or call 800-748-3583 (toll free) or 508-743-8517 (international), Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. EDT.

Exhibitor registration and housing will open late summer 2025.

In early summer, you will receive an email from our official registration provider, Convention Data Services, from the following address  Please note that Convention Data Services will never call you directly to confirm registration.

When booking both housing and registration, please make sure you are only booking through our official registration vendor, Convention Data Services, and our official housing vendor, OnPeak, via the email link or through  Please report any suspicious solicitations to AHA at

Exhibitor Badges

Exhibitor Badges will now be provided on an unlimited complimentary basis to all exhibiting companies and will be issued only to employees of exhibiting companies. Exhibitor badges allow exhibit personnel access to the exhibit hall only for install, dismantle and during show hours. Exhibitor badges will not permit access to educational sessions.

Exhibitor Conference badge allows you access to all educational and poster sessions as well as access to the exhibit hall floor one hour before and one hour after exhibit hours. If an attendee needs access to the exhibit hall outside of show hours they must be registered through the exhibitor portal with the Exhibitor Conference classification. Each exhibiting company will receive Exhibitor Conference Registration badges based on the square footage allotments listed below. The maximum number of badges allotted is 10.

Square Feet Exhibit Space Full Professional Registrations Allotted
100-399 2
400-899 4
900-1,499 6
1,500-2,499 8
2,500+ 10

